So I have a long history of “blogging” and then forgetting to blog.  Let’s take a memory tour:

  1. Pre2000 – Homestead .gif website and Kamishibais about penguins.
  2. November 2000 – Sheila departs upon creating a “Moment of Zen” on her personal website The Dandelion Patch. These blurbs are a mix between pop culture quotes, high school wisdom and esoteric rants.
  3. December 2003 – Too lazy to continue hand coding her stream of conscious, she moves to livejournal and just includes it in an i-frame on her website.
  4. July 2003 – She moves almost solely over to livejournal due to the social networking/emo sharing possibilities!
  5. June 2008 – Sheila attempts to have a grown up blog and weight loss blog on blogger. Interest wanes fairly quickly.
  6. 2,763 tweets ago – Void is filled by twitter.

Needless to say I like writing and I like sharing and I learn stuff all the time.  Here I HOPE to make an effort to chronicle the next few turbulent years that shall encompass: planning a wedding and subsequently getting married, making a quilt, surely painting more murals, traveling to Europe, traveling to Asia, traveling some more, picking up new skills, applying to gradschools and other icky/fun adult stuff.  Because I love to write!  Heck, I have a tattoo dedicated to it.  I’m sick of squirreling it away via twitter.

For now this blog will be pretty simple until I get my act together and host it on my website.

Now that is over!  Next entry shall be more informative.

Or at least therapeutic- S