The best thing I can do for our Earth is to take care of myself and others.
Feed myself fresh seasonal local food that invests in the soil versus stripping it. That employs those in my community, who then reinvest back. Do not spend hours researching, buying, organizing things… just to get rid of them and buy more. These things were extracted from the earth and rarely can be returned to it. Leave them be. Nor should I work extra hours at a job that does not fuel my soul just to afford these things. I must understand that I cannot afford to continue buying, disposing and working myself into a grave. There are limits to this all.
Instead, I must spend time with my family and the nature I want to protect. Bathe in their beauty. Bathe in my beauty. Nourish my brain. Learn from nature and elevate my awareness as to the effects of my actions. No matter how painful, this is how I grow. Hold businesses and governments accountable for their actions. Uplift my fellow human, with no judgement, as breaking from the system is often a privilege. And like all changes, this is done slowly and in accordance to our own history and needs.
I must mind my garden. We protect the things we cherish. So let me cherish myself. And grace when I falter. Break this illusion that I can just continue to “prosper” at the behest of what is feeding me. I am eating my own tail. I seek freedom through knowing the limits. And rejoicing in what I have and its many lives. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But where is it all going? Let me cycle it back into the Earth, so the Earth may cycle it back to us all.

Happy Earth day! Today marks 50 years since its origin. Keep on fighting and loving! Thank you to those who came before us. 💚 Sheila