So I started this post before Lost ended. This is all I had… “Things I hate about Lost:”
I’ll try to put a more positive spin on this situation by introducing some short lists of likes, complaints and solutions…
- No complaints about the acting. Locke/M.I.B. played Terry O’Quinn especially shined in his contradictory but convincing roles. Michael Emerson (Ben) was also a favorite despite how they let his character peter out.
- Some real novel intriguing ideas, too bad it was piece-mealed together. It’s not enough for me that it was “art” or “unique” I need some resolution. They could have been more successful with sticking with oneish concept (time travel, human experimentation, salvation).
- Something to watch/bitch about.
- Some really good character origins. My favorite episode being Locke’s “Walk About” and Sawyer’s “Confidence Man”.
The characters/actors made Lost.
- Overdone suspense music even when revealing a twist for the third time… I don’t care if THIS character is learning it for the first time, we already know.
- Gimmicky twists as mentioned above. Especially when in regards to fate. Fate is interesting when its not written (such as coincidence in life), unfortunately there is yet the technology (or amount of intelligent chimps) to produce unwritten shows that aren’t reality shows. So lay off of relying on fate. Of course its all intermingled, you wrote it like that! Oh lord, Jacob touched him!
- No regard for my time by letting the ending be what it was.
- Character development became more mechanical towards the end as people were used as stereotypes of themselves to move what little plot there was. So Sun spent days seemingly sitting in one location (totally amnesiac of her daughter) until someone told her Jin was where they were going and she followed them.
- Time wasted on flash sideways when we had wrapping up to do!
Woke up confused. Austin explained the end and I was even more confused and slightly agitated.
My suggestions go as follows…
- We know we can’t make the island purgatory because some asshole guessed that on a forum after Season 1. And we DEFINITELY know we can’t make the flash sideways purgatory because that would mean a majority of season 6 was for naught. We don’t want to waste people’s time… do we Lost? So how about instead of purgatory we make the island REAL LIFE and life before the island hell? And the flash sideways if they had gone to heaven and not hell and if they redeem themselves in real life (a.k.a. make nice on the island and don’t let the Devil in Black leave) they will attain heaven.Okay you know what? Scratch that the island should have been purgatory we all know that and that’s why some troll guessed it. I don’t care if they would have had gloating rights you should have stuck with it Lost.
- The gold shiny light?
Should have been time (or at least explained). This theory doesn’t really explain why time turns you into a black smoke monster but we as humans strive for more time (longer lives) so that makes the shinies worth it to fight over. It would explain the longevity of the protectors. Also, if one person released or stole it all it would end time as we know it for everyone else. Also, explains the magical time travel. The flash sideways could have been an alternative universe spawned by the explosion that must be united with the “actual” universe in order to stabilize time. The island could be basically the knot that holds together time (or the cork if you prefer) and Jacob and M.I.B. the humans deranged with power by living at the nexus. You can also explain Jacob getting off the island as time travel can be perceived as space travel.
- How about jumping the shark and explain it away as… aliens. Jacob and the M.I.B. are aliens enacting their own “Crash of Titans”. In some sort of Truman Show biosphere they crashed our plane on to their “mechanical island space ship” and are testing our virtues. The flash sideways are another simulation that they are putting people through and by realizing this the humans end the aliens hold on them.
Pick one. Still better then, some hole light thingy that Jack magically could just plug back in and flash sideways being some sort of limbo where people magically have stupid sons.
Done – S
To be fair I was the one that watched it for 6 seasons… by the ending I just didn’t care. Made me long for the days anticipating the ending of worthwhile series like Battlestar Galactica. Even if their payoff wasn’t great either…